Juki MH-486-5
- 1-needle, Double Chainstitch, Bottom & Variable Top-feed Machine with Automatic Thread Trimmer
- The machine works effectively for processes which require partial shirring as long as the partial shirring device (PH-3) is used in combination with the partial shirring dial
- The partial shirring device comes in two different types, the kneepad drive type and the pedal drive type
- Automatic Thread Trimmer
- The machine comes with a forced lifting mechanism for the top-feed dog. This enables the operator to place the material to be sewn on the top-feed dog more smoothly
- The machine incorporates its exclusive chain-off thread presser pedal foot, which improves seam quality and ease of operation
- The exclusive gauge comes in five different types, and the gauges can be replaced in a simple procedure. This facilitates the required adjustment when changing the needle count
- The machine comes with many different functions to prevent uneven material feed and puckering for higher-quality seams
- The machine is adaptable to a wider variety of light-to heavy-weight materials and takes full advantage of top-feed mechanism.
This enables unskilled operators to finish seams of consistent quality
- Complete with table stand and motor