Vacuum Cleaners > Central Vac Accessory Kits >
Hayden 4461-SL3LED
- Orthopedic handle
- SuperLatch wand connectors
- 14" full-width cleaning path
- 4-position height adjustment
- Furniture guard
- Durable cog belt drive
- High intensity light
- Crushproof hose
- 4 Deluxe Attachment accessories
- Hose hanger

Hayden 4461-SL3LED Deluxe SuperPack™ Crushproof Hose Central Vac Kit
Price: $295.00(You can always remove it later.)
Hayden Manufacturing Co. Ltd is a plastics specialty company which is the leading manufacturer of central vacuum system wall inlets, pipe elbows, etc., supplying over ninety-five percent of all that are used in the industry. Their central vacuum power units utilize their durable ABS Plastics case and electronic motor control combined with powerful suction motors by Ametek (Lamb), the world renowned vacuum cleaner motor manufacturer. When considering a central vacuum, be sure to consider Hayden's power units, attachment kits and very convenient SuperValve wall inlets.